Benchmark Financial Group Blog

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Which States Are More Retiree-Friendly?

Which States Are More Retiree-Friendly?

Once you retire, you will no longer depend upon a particular location for your economic survival. That’s the primary motivation behind many retirees’ plans to move to a more affordable locale. Plus, you might simply enjoy the weather, scenery, or lifestyle offered by another city or state. But in addition to those important considerations, it...

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Don’t Count on Your Home to Fund Your Retirement

Don’t Count on Your Home to Fund Your Retirement

If you ask ten different people about their plans for retirement, you might get ten different answers. However, some themes are common, at least in a general way. One answer that you might receive frequently involves home equity. Many Baby Boomers, in particular, have accumulated a considerable amount of equity in their homes. They often assume...

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Will Your Retirement Income Keep Pace with Inflation?

Will Your Retirement Income Keep Pace with Inflation?

As a federal employee, you already know that you will enjoy three sources of retirement income someday (Social Security, your annuity, and withdrawals from your Thrift Savings Plan). But having income is one matter; having enough income is the real challenge for most retirees. Have three sources of income sounds great, of course, but what about...

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9 Important Financial Planning Steps to Take Right Now

9 Important Financial Planning Steps to Take Right Now

Financial planning often revolves around saving for the future, particularly retirement. But anticipating taxes, and strategizing to minimize their impact, is another important component of both short- and long-term planning. Before the end of the year, consider the following steps to potentially reduce your overall federal income tax debt for...

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Should You Wait Until Age 70 To Access Your TSP?

Should You Wait Until Age 70 To Access Your TSP?

Retired federal employees earn the advantage of three forms of retirement income; their pension, Social Security benefits, and distributions from the Thrift Savings Plan offer a form of income security not often enjoyed by other retirees. Still, having more options doesn’t mean you shouldn’t still strategize to your best advantage. Since you...

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