Benchmark Financial Group Blog

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How Does Divorce Affect Social Security?

We all know that divorce can make a deep impact on our financial lives, especially during the immediate time period surrounding the event. However, some people are surprised to discover, a decade or more after the divorce, that the consequences are more far-reaching than they had imagined! In particular, those who expect to claim Social Security...

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7 Signs of a Smart Saver

When is your expected retirement date? Whether you’ll be retiring in just a few years, or you still have a decade or more to go, one thing is certain: Retirement is one life situation for which we all need to plan. So how do you know whether your plans are on the right track? That’s a complicated question, and professional guidance is necessary...

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Are You Making This Mistake With Your TSP?

Does your agency offer any form of matching funds for the contributions you make to your Thrift Savings Plan? If so, you know that you could be (and hopefully are) taking advantage of what is essentially free money for retirement. You would be in good company, as 77.6 percent of FERS employees contributed at least 5 percent of their income to...

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Should You Sign Up for the Surviving Spouse Benefit?

Most of us worry about our children when they’re young; specifically, what would happen to them, if you pass away prematurely? However, as the kids grow older, most of us worry about them less and less. Your spouse might be another story. The two of you are a team, both financially and in other ways, and without you they might struggle to cover...

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What Will You Do With Your Pay Raise?

The new year has arrived, and with it comes a raise in pay for many federal employees. The calculation of these pay increases is a complicated subject, far beyond the scope of this blog, but you will be notified of any raise by your employer anyway. Beyond that, you might be wondering when your pay raise will take effect, and what you should do...

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