The 5 Most Common Budget Mistakes

You might be surprised to learn that American workers, when compared to the rest of the industrialized world, actually work longer hours than most. In addition, we take fewer vacation days. And yet, we tend to retire at a later age. Why? A number of factors are at...

What If You Want to Retire Early?

Throughout the country, most people expect that they will retire at some point in their sixties. This makes sense, because most of us need to work for several decades in order to save up enough money to retire. We aren’t eligible for early Social Security...

Will Your Social Security Benefits be Taxed?

Federal employees enjoy a retirement system that differs somewhat from the norm within the private sector. Whether you’re a new federal employee or a long-time public servant, you know that the FERS system encompasses three forms of retirement income for the...

7 Signs You’re Ready to Retire

You’ve been dreaming of retirement for years now, but maybe you’re feeling the urge much more strongly as of late. Or, maybe you’re worried that you’ll never be ready to retire, and you don’t know in which direction to head. This list is by no means a comprehensive...

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