Another Great Way to Prepare for Retirement

It seems that all we hear on the news lately is “healthcare, healthcare, healthcare”. Every few weeks there is a new, alarming report on the rising cost of healthcare nationwide. Then, of course, we have politicians on Capitol Hill debating, deliberating, writing, and...

Choosing Your Healthcare Options in Retirement

As a federal employee, you already enjoy one of the best retirement plans out there. Aside from a three-tiered income program, you also have another enormous advantage in the form of your healthcare plan. Most American workers face a dilemma when planning their...

Federal Employee Retirement 101

Since we specialize in helping federal employees plan their retirements, it’s no surprise that many of our blogs focus on the Federal Employee Retirement System (FERS). For those of you who have been federal employees for years, most of the language used on these...

What if You Retire Later Than The Usual?

One of the perks of federal employment is the possibility of an earlier than usual retirement. We even covered this topic in our blog last month. But some federal employees choose to retire later than average, too. There could be many reasons behind this decision,...

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