Keeping Your Money in the TSP After Retirement

After you retire, you will face many different choices regarding your retirement benefits. One of these choices will involve your money that has accumulated in the Thrift Savings Plan: Should you keep your money in the TSP, or withdraw it and invest it some other way?...

How to Keep Your Financial Skills Sharp

We tend to accept the fact that we lose some physical strength and agility as we grow older. But most of us refuse to confront the fact that mental acuity will also decline. Unfortunately, this decline may lead some retirees to begin  making financial mistakes after...

Picking the Right Date for Your Retirement

When you think of the right date for retirement, you might be thinking, “as soon as possible”! But even if you’re feeling antsy to retire, federal employees have a few things to consider before setting a date. If you’re a FERS employee, you need to...

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