Evaluating Your Survivor Annuity Options

As a federal employee, you know that your annuity will someday comprise a significant portion of your retirement income. But those payments also end when you pass away. So, what would happen to your spouse, if both of you are dependent upon that income, but you are...

Do You Believe Any of These Common Finance Myths?

One of the reasons so few people adequately plan for their financial futures is due to the proliferation of several common myths. Some believe that Social Security will provide everything they need for retirement (it won’t), or that their life insurance payout will...

Evaluating Your Healthcare Options in Retirement

As financial planners, we spend a lot of time talking about the three tiers of your Federal Employee Retirement System. Social Security benefits, your annuity payments, and withdrawals from your Thrift Savings Plan will provide three streams of income in retirement....

Estate Planning for Federal Employees

When you first became a federal employee, you filled out a number of forms related to your benefits. You might have established a contribution schedule for your Thrift Savings Plan, opted for Federal Employees Group Life Insurance, and made other decisions related to...

Six Common Mistakes to Avoid in Retirement

When we talk to clients about retirement planning, we find that they tend to focus on savings. Naturally, everyone is going to do that, and for good reason. They need to feel assured that withdrawals from their Thrift Savings Plans, along with annuity payments and...

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