by Gary Raetz | May 25, 2015 | Retirement
For most of your career, your retirement planning might focus on saving money, paying off debt, or reaching the age at which you can claim your pension. Each time you reach a milestone, like eliminating your mortgage, you are one step closer to retirement. But aside...
by Gary Raetz | May 20, 2015 | Retirement
After paying into the Social Security fund throughout our careers, we all want to be sure we receive the maximum possible benefits. While the program was never intended to provide your sole source of income in retirement, your benefit checks will certainly...
by Gary Raetz | Jan 15, 2013 | Retirement
By: Ian Filippini There are some upsides to being a retiree—senior discounts, lower taxes, subsidized healthcare and regular Social Security checks among them. On the other hand, mature Americans must contend with worrisome issues such as rising costs of medical...