The Most Important Ingredients for a Happy Retirement

In the retirement planning world, we tend to focus on making sure our clients are financially prepared for their later years. After all, it’s hard to enjoy retirement if you’re forced to live on Ramen noodles! Money is certainly an important component to overall...

Is Your Retirement Plan on Track?

Federal employees enjoy a terrific, three-tiered retirement plan. In many cases, the retirement plan offered to government employees beats those offered in the private sector. But because of that implied security, you might not pay as much attention to your plans for...

Have You Planned for This Aspect of Retirement?

In the old days, many people retired and then spent the following few years, up to a decade, living off of Social Security and whatever pension or retirement savings they had managed to accumulate. They knew that a stay in a nursing home might be needed at some point,...

You May Be Wealthier Than You Think!

Did you know that you’re one of the wealthiest people in the world? You might not think so. According to the Global Rich List, which uses World Bank data and global wealth statistics, an American earning an annual salary of $75,000 falls into the top .11 percent in...

Does Your Retirement Face These Risks?

Federal employees are fortunate to enjoy a three-tiered retirement plan. Once you retire, you will draw income from Social Security, your pension, and withdrawals from your Thrift Savings Plan (assuming you chose to contribute to it). In some ways, you’re more...
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