The Most Important Ingredients for a Happy Retirement

Sep 6, 2016 | Retirement

In the retirement planning world, we tend to focus on making sure our clients are financially prepared for their later years. After all, it’s hard to enjoy retirement if you’re forced to live on Ramen noodles! Money is certainly an important component to overall enjoyment of life.

But we also want you to truly feel happy in retirement, and money isn’t the only factor at play. In fact, in a recent study of current retirees, researchers found that health is an even larger determining quality to overall happiness. It makes sense; no matter how high your income, it’s hard to enjoy life when you’re sick or in pain.

After health, money was ranked the second most important factor in determining retirement satisfaction. Ranking third, fourth, and fifth on the list were:

  • having loving family and friends
  • having a feeling of purpose
  • continuing to try new things

As you continue to plan for a secure financial future, don’t forget to consider these other very important parts of life. Take care of your health now, by eating healthy foods, exercising, and avoiding unhealthy habits, and you will reap the rewards both now and in retirement.

Remember, also, to take care of your personal relationships, and consider where you want to live after you retire. Moving to Florida might sound fantastic now, but you could end up feeling isolated from friends and family.

As you prepare to make the transition into retirement, ask yourself how you will spend your days. Most retirees say that trying new hobbies keeps them feeling youthful and energetic, and volunteering or working a part-time job gives them a feeling of purpose. Your preferences might vary from the norm, but the important thing is to find activities that you enjoy and that keep you connected with your community.

These are the “other” ingredients to a happy retirement. But as always, give us a call if you need help with the financial planning part. We specialize in helping our clients prepare for the retirements of their dreams.

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