Benchmark Financial Group Blog
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7 Signs You’re Ready to Retire
You’ve been dreaming of retirement for years now, but maybe you’re feeling the urge much more strongly as of late. Or, maybe you’re worried that you’ll never be ready to retire, and you don’t know in which direction to head. This list is by no means a comprehensive list of everything you should consider, because retirement readiness can vary...
How Are FERS Benefits Funded?
Way back in 1920, the first version of a retirement system for federal employees was created. That was called the Civil Service Retirement System, and as we know, a new system was formed to replace it back in 1986. Some federal employees opted to stay with the CSRS system, but all new employees were subject to the Federal Employees Retirement...
What Did People Do, Before Social Security?
For many of us, it's hard to imagine life before the invention of Social Security in 1935. Federal employees, like you, did have a retirement system in place beginning way back in 1920. Once the the FERS system was introduced in 1986, federal employee retirement plans included a greater measure of dependence upon Social Security. So, most of you...
New Budget Brings Changes for Federal Employees
According to official reports, the much-awaited federal budget will be delivered any day now. It probably won't surprise you to learn that the new spending plan will affect employees of the federal government, so let's break down the most important items mentioned by a report from The Heritage Foundation. Federal pay and benefits. According one...
Can Your TSP Help You Become a Millionaire?
For decades, many people have set a benchmark of a cool one million dollars as their retirement savings goal. Whether or not that amount will continue to provide enough income for retirement is another matter for another day… But to this day, the allure of becoming a millionaire persists. And quite a few TSP members have reached that goal! In...

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