Understanding the FERS Earnings Test

One benefit enjoyed by federal employees is the ability to retire and claim their annuity payments after reaching 30 years of service and their minimum retirement age (56 or 57 for most FERS current employees). For many individuals this could translate into an earlier...

Three Things to Know About Federal Employee Retirement

The good news is that you enjoy one of the most comprehensive retirement systems in the country! But the “bad news” is that its complexity can leave you feeling confused, or cause you to miss out on important information. That’s why we work hard to communicate with...

7 Signs of a Smart Saver

When is your expected retirement date? Whether you’ll be retiring in just a few years, or you still have a decade or more to go, one thing is certain: Retirement is one life situation for which we all need to plan. So how do you know whether your plans are on the...

Don’t Forget About Your Bank Statements!

When life gets busy, do you notice a little pile of mail growing on your desk, on the kitchen counter, or on the corner of your dresser? We all have that spot where untended documents tend to accumulate. But if your bank statements often end up in that spot, untouched...

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